承运人链接 定制船期表搜索 智能港对港船期表搜索 船名录










〖签订地点〗 罗马

〖正文〗 全文







































  1. 本公约适用于正在或准备驶入、通过或来自一个国家的领海外部界限或其与之相邻国家的领海侧面界限以外水域的船舶。
  2. 在根据第1款本公约不适用的情况下,如果罪犯或被指称的罪犯在非第1款所述国家的某一缔约国的领土内被发现,本公约仍然适用。














* 英文版中为“缔约国”(States Parties)



  1. 罪犯或被指称的罪犯出现在其领土内的任何缔约国,在确信情况有此需要时,应根据其法律,将罪犯或被指称的罪犯拘留或采取其它措施,确保其在提起刑事诉讼或引渡程序所必要的时间内留在其国内。
  2. 该缔约国应按照本国法律立即对事实作初步调查。
  3. 任何人,如对其采取第1款所述的措施,有权:
    1. 及时地与其国籍国或有权建立此种联系的国家的最近的适当代表联系,或者,如其为无国籍人时,与其惯常居所地国的此种代表联系;
    2. 接受该国代表探视。
  4. 第3款所述权利应按照罪犯或被指称的罪犯所在地国的法律和规章行使,但这些法律和规章必须能使第3款所给予的权力的目的得以充分实现。
  5. 当缔约国根据本条将某人拘留时,应立即将该人被拘留的事实和应予拘留的情况通知已按照第6条第1款确定管辖权的国家,在认为适当时,应立即通知其他有关国家。进行本条第2款所述初步调查的国家应迅速将调查结果报告上述国家,并应表明它是否有意行使管辖权。


  1. 缔约国(船旗国)船舶的船长可以将其有正当理由相信已犯下第3条所述的某一罪行的任何人移交给任何其他缔约国(接收国)当局。
  2. 船旗国应确保其船长有义务,在船上带有船长意欲根据第1款移交的任何人员时,只要可行和可能,在进入接收国的领海前将他要移交该人员的意向和理由通知接收国当局。
  3. 除非有理由认为本公约不适用于导致移交的行为,接收国应接受移交并按第7条规定进行处理,如拒绝接受移交,应说明拒绝的理由。
  4. 船旗国应确保其船舶的船长有义务向接收国当局提供船长所掌握的与被指称的罪行有关的证据。
  5. 已按第3款接受移交的接收国可以再要求船旗国接受对该人的移交。船旗国应考虑任何此类要求,若同意,则应按第7条进行处理。如船旗国拒绝此要求,则应向接收国说明理由。




  1. 在其领土内发现罪犯或被指称的罪犯的缔约国,在第6条适用的情况下,如不将罪犯引渡,则无论罪行是否在其领土内发生,应有义务毫无例外地立即将案件送交其主管当局,以便通过其国内法律规定的程序起诉。主管当局应以与处理本国法中其它严重犯罪案件相同的方式作出决定。
  2. 对因第3条所述任何罪行而被起诉的任何人,应保证其在诉讼的所有阶段均能获得公平对待,包括享有所在国法律就此类诉讼规定的一切权利与保障。


  1. 第3条所述罪行应被视为包括在任何缔约国之间任何现有引渡条约中的可引渡的罪行。缔约国承允将此类罪行作为可引渡的罪行列入他们之间将要缔结的每一个引渡条约中。
  2. 以订有条约为引渡条件的缔约国,如收到未与其订有引渡条约的另一缔约国的引渡要求,被要求国可以根据自己的选择以本公约为就第3条所述罪行进行引渡的法律依据。引渡应符合被要求国法律规定的其它条件。
  3. 不以订有条约为引渡条件的缔约国,在符合被要求国法律规定的条件下,应把第3条所述的罪行作为他们之间可引渡的罪行。
  4. 必要时,为了缔约国间引渡的目的,第3条所述的罪行应被视为不仅发生在罪行的发生地,而且发生在要求引渡的缔约国管辖范围内的某个地方。
  5. 如一缔约国接到按第7条确定管辖权的多个国家的一个以上的引渡要求,并决定自己不起诉,在选择将罪犯或被指称的罪犯引渡的国家时,应适当考虑罪行发生时船舶悬挂其国旗的缔约国的利益和责任。
  6. 在考虑按照本公约引渡被指称的罪犯的要求时,被要求国应适当考虑第7条第3款所述的被指称的罪犯的权利是否能在要求国中行使。
  7. 就本公约所规定的罪行而言,在缔约国间适用的所有引渡条约的规定和安排,只要与本公约不符的,均视为已在缔约国间作了修改。


  1. 缔约国应就对第3条所述罪行提起的刑事诉讼相互提供最大程度的协助,包括协助收集他们所掌握的为诉讼所需的证据。
  2. 缔约国应按照他们之间可能存在的任何相互协助条约履行第1款的义务。如无此类条约,缔约国应按照各自的国内法相互提供协助。
















  1. 两个或两个以上的缔约国之间有关本公约的解释或适用方面的任何争端,如在一合理时间内不能通过谈判解决,经其中一方要求,应交付仲裁。如自要求仲裁之日起六个月内,当事各方不能就仲裁的组成达成协议,其中任何一方可根据《国际法院规约》要求将争端提交国际法院。
  2. 在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本公约时,一国可以声明不受第1款任何或全部规定的约束。对作出该保留的任何缔约国而言,其他缔约国也不受这些规定的约束。
  3. 按照第2款作出保留的任何缔约国,可以在任何时候通知秘书长撤销该保留。









  1. 本公约在十五个国家签字并对批准、接受或核准无保留或交存有关批准接受、核准或加入的文件之日后九十天生效。
  2. 对于在本公约生效条件满足后交存有关批准、接受、核准或加入书的国家,其批准、接受、核准或加入应在交存之日后九十天生效。


  1. 任何缔约国在本公约对其生效之日起一年后,可随时退出本公约。
  2. 退出须向秘书长交存一份退出文件方为有效。
  3. 退出本公约,应在秘书长收到退出文件一年之后,或在退出文件载明的较此更长的期限届满后生效。


  1. 本组织可召开修订或修正本公约的会议。
  2. 经三分之一或十个缔约国的要求,以数大者为准,秘书长应召集修订或修正本公约的缔约国会议。
  3. 在本公约的修正案生效之日后交存的有关批准、接受、核准或加入的任何文件应被视为适用于经修正的公约。

















Whole document


THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION, HAVING IN MIND the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of friendly relations and co-operation among States,

RECOGNIZING in particular that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

DEEPLY CONCERNED about the world-wide escalation of acts of terrorism in all its forms, which endanger or take innocent human lives, jeopardize fundamental freedoms and seriously impair the dignity of human beings,

CONSIDERING that unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation jeopardize the safety of persons and property, seriously affect the operation of maritime services, and undermine the confidence of the peoples of the world in the safety of maritime navigation,

CONSIDERING that the occurrence of such acts is a matter of grave concern to the international community as a whole,

BEING CONVINCED of the urgent need to develop international co-operation between States in devising and adopting effective and practical measures for the prevention of all unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation, and the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators,

RECALLING resolution 40/61 of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 9 December 1985 which, inter alia, "urges all States unilaterally and in co-operation with other States, as well as relevant United Nations organs, to contribute to the progressive elimination of causes underlying international terrorism and to pay special attention to all situations, including colonialism, racism and situations involving mass and flagrant violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms and those involving alien occupation, that may give rise to international terrorism and may endanger international peace and security",

RECALLING FURTHER that resolution 40/61 "unequivocally condemns, as criminal, all acts, methods and practices of terrorism wherever and by whomever committed, including those which jeopardize friendly relations among States and their security",

RECALLING ALSO that by resolution 40/61, the International Maritime Organization was invited to "study the problem of terrorism aboard or against ships with a view to making recommendations on appropriate measures",

HAVING IN MIND resolution A. 584 (14) of 20 November 1985, of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization, which called for development of measures to prevent unlawful acts which threaten the safety of ships and the security of their passengers and crews,

NOTING that acts of the crew which are subject to normal shipboard discipline are outside the purview of this Convention,


AFFIRMING the desirability of monitoring rules and standards relating to the prevention and control of unlawful acts against ships and persons on board ships, with a view to updating them as necessary, and, to this effect, taking note with satisfaction of the Measures to Prevent Unlawful Acts against Passengers and Crews on Board Ships, recommended by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization,

AFFIRMING FURTHER that matters not regulated by this Convention continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law,

RECOGNIZING the need for all States, in combating unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation, strictly to comply with rules and principles of general international law,


HAVE AGREED as follows:


Article 1

For the purposes of this Convention, "ship" means a vessel of any type whatsoever not permanently attached to the sea-bed, including dynamically supported craft, submersibles, or any other floating craft.


Article 2

  1. This Convention does not apply to:
    1. a warship; or
    2. a ship owned or operated by a State when being used as a naval auxiliary or for customs or police purposes; or
    3. a ship which has been withdrawn from navigation or laid up.
  2. Nothing in this Convention affects the immunities of warships and other Government ships operated for non-commercial purposes.


Article 3

  1. Any person commits an offence if that person unlawfully and intentionally:
    1. seizes or exercises control over a ship by force or threat thereof or any other form of intimidation; or
    2. performs an act of violence against a person on board a ship if that act is likely to endanger the safe navigation of that ship; or
    3. destroys a ship or causes damage to a ship or to its cargo which is likely to endanger the safe navigation of that ship; or
    4. places or causes to be placed on a ship, by any means whatsoever, a device or substance which is likely to destroy that ship, or cause damage to that ship or its cargo which endangers or is likely to endanger the safe navigation of that ship; or
    5. destroys or seriously damages maritime navigational facilities or seriously interferes with their operation, if any such act is likely to endanger the safe navigation of a ship; or
    6. communicates information which he knows to be false, thereby endangering the safe navigation of a ship; or
    7. injures or kills any person, in connection with the commission or the attempted commission of any of the offences set forth in subparagraphs (a) to (f).
  2. Any person also commits an offence if that person:
    1. attempts to commit any of the offences set forth in paragraph 1; or
    2. abets the commission of any of the offences set forth in paragraph 1 perpetrated by any person or is otherwise an accomplice of a person who commits such an offence; or
    3. threatens, with or without a condition, as is provided for under national law, aimed at compelling a physical or juridical person to do or refrain from doing any act, to commit any of the offences set forth in paragraph 1, subparagraphs (b), (c) and (e), if that threat is likely to endanger the safe navigation of the ship in question.


Article 4

  1. This Convention applies if the ship is navigating or is scheduled to navigate into, through or from waters beyond the outer limit of the territorial sea of a single State, or the lateral limits of its territorial sea with adjacent States.
  2. In cases where the Convention does not apply pursuant to paragraph 1, it nevertheless applies when the offender or the alleged offender is found in the territory of a State Party other than the State referred to in paragraph 1.


Article 5

Each State Party shall make the offences set forth in Article 3 punishable by appropriate penalties which take into account the grave nature of those offences.


Article 6

  1. Each State Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offences set forth in Article 3 when the offence is committed:
    1. against or on board a ship flying the flag of the State at the time the offence is committed; or
    2. in the territory of that State, including its territorial sea; or
    3. by a national of that State.
  2. A State Party may also establish its jurisdiction over any such offence when:
    1. it is committed by a stateless person whose habitual residence is in that State; or
    2. during its commission a national of that State is seized, threatened, injured or killed; or
    3. it is committed in an attempt to compel that State to do or abstain from doing any act.
  3. Any State Party which has established jurisdiction mentioned in paragraph 2 shall notify the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Secretary-General"). If such State Party subsequently rescinds that jurisdiction, it shall notify the Secretary-General.
  4. Each State Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offences set forth in Article 3 in cases where the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not extradite him to any of the States Parties which have established their jurisdiction in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
  5. This Convention does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national law.


Article 7

  1. Upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant, any State Party in the territory of which the offender or the alleged offender is present shall, in accordance with its law, take him into custody or take other measures to ensure his presence for such time as is necessary to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to be instituted.
  2. Such State shall immediately make a preliminary inquiry into the facts, in accordance with its own legislation.
  3. Any person regarding whom the measures referred to in paragraph 1 are being taken shall be entitled to:
    1. communicate without delay with the nearest appropriate representative of the State of which he is a national or which is otherwise entitled to establish such communication or, if he is a stateless person, the State in the territory of which he has his habitual residence;
    2. be visited by a representative of that State.
  4. The rights referred to in paragraph 3 shall be exercised in conformity with the laws and regulations of the State in the territory of which the offender or the alleged offender is present, subject to the proviso that the said laws and regulations must enable full effect to be given to the purposes for which the rights accorded under paragraph 3 are intended.
  5. When a State Party, pursuant to this Article, has taken a person into custody, it shall immediately notify the States which have established jurisdiction in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 and, if it considers it advisable, any other interested States, of the fact that such person is in custody and of the circumstances which warrant his detention. The State which makes the preliminary inquiry contemplated in paragraph 2 of this Article shall promptly report its findings to the said States and shall indicate whether it intends to exercise jurisdiction.


Article 8

  1. The master of a ship of a State Party (the "flag State") may deliver to the authorities of any other State Party (the "receiving State") any person who he has reasonable grounds to believe has committed one of the offences set forth in Article 3.
  2. The flag State shall ensure that the master of its ship is obliged, whenever practicable, and if possible before entering the territorial sea of the receiving State carrying on board any person whom the master intends to deliver in accordance with paragraph 1, to give notification to the authorities of the receiving State of his intention to deliver such person and the reasons therefor.
  3. The receiving State shall accept the delivery, except where it has grounds to consider that the Convention is not applicable to the acts giving rise to the delivery, and shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Article 7. Any refusal to accept a delivery shall be accompanied by a statement of the reasons for refusal.
  4. The flag State shall ensure that the master of its ship is obliged to furnish the authorities of the receiving State with the evidence in the master’s possession which pertains to the alleged offence.
  5. A receiving State which has accepted the delivery of a person in accordance with paragraph 3 may, in turn, request the flag State to accept delivery of that person. The flag State shall consider any such request, and if it accedes to the request it shall proceed in accordance with Article 7. If the flag State declines a request, it shall furnish the receiving State with a statement of the reasons therefor.


Article 9

Nothing in this Convention shall affect in any way the rules of international law pertaining to the competence of States to exercise investigative or enforcement jurisdiction on board ships not flying their flag.


Article 10

  1. The State Party in the territory of which the offender or the alleged offender is found shall, in cases to which Article 6 applies, if it does not extradite him, be obliged, without exception whatsoever and whether or not the offence was committed in its territory, to submit the case without delay to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution, through proceedings in accordance with the laws of that State. Those authorities shall take their decision in the same manner as in the case of any other offence of a grave nature under the law of that State.
  2. Any person regarding whom proceedings are being carried out in connection with any of the offences set forth in Article 3 shall be guaranteed fair treatment at all stages of the proceedings, including enjoyment of all the rights and guarantees provided for such proceedings by the law of the State in the territory of which he is present.


Article 11

  1. The offences set forth in Article 3 shall be deemed to be included as extraditable offences in any extradition treaty existing between any of the States Parties. States Parties undertake to include such offences as extraditable offences in every extradition treaty to be concluded between them.
  2. If a State Party which makes extradition conditional on the existence of a treaty receives a request for extradition from another State Party with which it has no extradition treaty, the requested State Party may, at its option, consider this Convention as a legal basis for extradition in respect of the offences set forth in Article 3. Extradition shall be subject to the other conditions provided by the law of the requested State Party.
  3. States Parties which do not make extradition conditional on the existence of a treaty shall recognize the offences set forth in Article 3 as extraditable offences between themselves, subject to the conditions provided by the law of the requested State.
  4. If necessary, the offences set forth in Article 3 shall be treated, for the purposes of extradition between States Parties, as if they had been committed not only in the place in which they occurred but also in a place within the jurisdiction of the State Party requesting extradition.
  5. A State Party which receives more than one request for extradition from States which have established jurisdiction in accordance with Article 7 and which decides not to prosecute shall, in selecting the State to which the offender or alleged offender is to be extradited, pay due regard to the interests and responsibilities of the State Party whose flag the ship was flying at the time of the commission of the offence.
  6. In considering a request for the extradition of an alleged offender pursuant to this Convention, the requested State shall pay due regard to whether his rights as set forth in Article 7, paragraph 3, can be effected in the requesting State.
  7. With respect to the offences as defined in this Convention, the provisions of all extradition treaties and arrangements applicable between States Parties are modified as between States Parties to the extent that they are incompatible with this Convention.


Article 12

  1. States Parties shall afford one another the greatest measure of assistance in connection with criminal proceedings brought in respect of the offences set forth in Article 3, including assistance in obtaining evidence at their disposal necessary for the proceedings.
  2. States Parties shall carry out their obligations under paragraph 1 in conformity with any treaties on mutual assistance that may exist between them. In the absence of such treaties, States Parties shall afford each other assistance in accordance with their national law.


Article 13

  1. States Parties shall co-operate in the prevention of the offences set forth in Article 3, particularly by:
    1. taking all practicable measures to prevent preparations in their respective territories for the commission of those offences within or outside their territories;
    2. exchanging information in accordance with their national law, and coordinating administrative and other measures taken as appropriate to prevent the commission of offences set forth in Article 3.
  2. When, due to the commission of an offence set forth in Article 3, the passage of a ship has been delayed or interrupted, any State Party in whose territory the ship or passengers or crew are present shall be bound to exercise all possible efforts to avoid a ship, its passengers, crew or cargo being unduly detained or delayed.


Article 14

Any State Party having reason to believe that an offence set forth in Article 3 will be committed shall, in accordance with its national law, furnish as promptly as possible any relevant information in its possession to those States which it believes would be the States having established jurisdiction in accordance with Article 6.


Article 15

  1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with its national law, provide to the Secretary-General, as promptly as possible, any relevant information in its possession concerning:
    1. the circumstances of the offence;
    2. the action taken pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2;
    3. the measures taken in relation to the offender or the alleged offender and, in particular, the results of any extradition proceedings or other legal proceedings.
  2. The State Party where the alleged offender is prosecuted shall, in accordance with its national law, communicate the final outcome of the proceedings to the Secretary-General.
  3. The information transmitted in accordance with paragraph 1 and 2 shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all States Parties, to Members of the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization"), to the other States concerned, and to the appropriate international intergovernmental organizations.


Article 16

  1. Any dispute between two or more States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention which cannot be settled through negotiation within a reasonable time shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If, within six months from the date of the request for arbitration, the parties are unable to agree on the organization of the arbitration any one of those parties may refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice by request in conformity with the Statute of the Court.
  2. Each State may at the time of signature or ratification, acceptance or approval of this Convention or accession thereto, declare that it does not consider itself bound by any or all of the provisions of paragraph 1. The other States Parties shall not be bound by those provisions with respect to any State Party which has made such a reservation.
  3. Any State which has made a reservation in accordance with paragraph 2 may, at any time, withdraw that reservation by notification to the Secretary-General.


Article 17

  1. 1. The Convention shall be open for signature at Rome on 10 March 1988 by States participating in the International Conference on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and at the Headquarters of the Organization by all States from 14 March 1988 to 9 March 1989. It shall thereafter remain open for accession.
  2. 2. States may express their consent to be bound by this Convention by:
    1. signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval; or
    2. signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or
    3. accession.
  3. 3. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.


Article 18

1. This Convention shall enter into force ninety days following the date on which fifteen States have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval, or have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect thereof.

2. For a State which deposits an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in respect of this Convention after the conditions for entry into force thereof have been met, the ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall take effect ninety days after the date of such deposit.


Article 19

  1. This Convention may be denounced by any State Party at any time after the expiry of one year from the date on which this Convention enters into force for that State.
  2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of denunciation with the Secretary-General.
  3. A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after the receipt of the instrument of denunciation by the Secretary-General.


Article 20

  1. A conference for the purpose of revising or amending this Convention may be convened by the Organization.
  2. The Secretary-General shall convene a conference of the States Parties to this Convention for revising or amending the Convention, at the request of one third of the States Parties, or ten States Parties, whichever is the higher figure.
  3. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the date of entry into force of an amendment to this Convention shall be deemed to apply to the Convention as amended.


Article 21

  1. This Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General.
  2. The Secretary-General shall:
    1. inform all States which have signed this Convention or acceded thereto, and all Members of the Organization, of:
      1. each new signature or deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession together with the date thereof;
      2. the date of the entry into force of this Convention;
      3. the deposit of any instrument of denunciation of this Convention together with the date on which it is received and the date on which the denunciation takes effect;
      4. the receipt of any declaration or notification made under this Convention;
    2. transmit certified true copies of this Convention to all States which have signed this Convention or acceded thereto.
  3. As soon as this Convention enters into force, a certified true copy thereof shall be transmitted by the Depositary to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.


Article 22

This Convention is established in a single original in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that purpose have signed this Convention.

DONE AT ROME this tenth day of March one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight.

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